China - Arab Intercultural Research Center

    1. General Vision:


    The China-Arab Intercultural Research Center is dedicated to promoting cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Arab countries. Our work encompasses three major areas: culture, education, Languages and tourism. In the field of culture, we organize conferences, seminars, and promote intercultural communication, as well as conduct diverse cultural exchange activities. In the field of education, we specialize in providing Chinese language teaching to non-native Chinese speakers and Arabic language teaching to non-native Arabic speakers, fostering the dissemination and understanding of language and culture. In the field of tourism, we organize international trips to enable participants to experience the charm of Chinese and Arab cultures firsthand, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship.

    Our vision is to bridge academic and cultural understanding between the Arab world and China by creating a dynamic, collaborative environment where knowledge, culture, and innovation thrive. We aim to build a community where academic exchange and cross-cultural dialogue lead to lasting partnerships, mutual understanding, and solutions to shared challenges.




    1. Goals:


        – Enhance Academic Collaboration

    Facilitate joint research projects, publications, and conferences on critical topics where both regions bring unique perspectives and expertise. This includes disciplines such as trade, history, technology, environmental sustainability, and sociocultural studies, where collaborative research can yield impactful insights and foster intellectual growth.

    • Promote Cultural Exchange

    Organize a diverse array of cultural events, workshops, and language programs to deepen appreciation and understanding of each region’s heritage, values, and traditions. Through these exchanges, we aim to build lasting cultural ties and foster a sense of shared heritage.

    • Support Students and Faculty Mobility

    Develop scholarship and exchange programs that encourage students and scholars to study, research, and teach across the two regions. These initiatives will create opportunities for cross-cultural learning, networking, and the development of future leaders who are well-versed in both cultures.

    • Advance Policy and Innovation Research

    Conduct high-impact research on key policy issues, technological advancements, and social innovations that affect both regions. This research will provide insights to support policymakers, industry leaders, and academic institutions in navigating shared challenges and leveraging mutual strengths.













    1. Ambitions:


    • To Establish a Leading Global Hub

    Aspire to become a globally recognized center for Arab-China relations, distinguished for generating pioneering research and fostering partnerships that lead to positive change. By establishing ourselves as a leader in this field, we aim to attract top talent, funding, and collaboration opportunities.

    • To Publish Impactful Research

    Commit to a regular output of academic publications, policy briefs, and cultural insights that share our findings with a wider audience, influencing both public and academic discourse on Arab-China relations. Our publications will serve as a valuable resource for policymakers, scholars, and students alike.

    • To Build a Network of Experts

    Cultivate a strong, enduring network of researchers, policy advisors, cultural ambassadors, and industry leaders. This network will not only drive the center’s future but also serve as a valuable resource for both regi    ons in building meaningful and sustained collaborations.

    • Hybrid Exchange Programs

    Launch a combination of in-person and virtual exchange programs to accommodate scholars, students, and cultural ambassadors. This hybrid approach will broaden accessibility, allowing a greater number of participants to benefit from the exchange experience.

    • Joint Publications and Media Outreach

    Partner with academic journals, publishers, and media organizations to amplify our research findings and cultural insights. By reaching diverse audiences, we aim to enhance awareness and appreciation of both regions’ contributions to global knowledge and culture.

    • Workshops and Language Programs

    Develop workshops on critical topics and establish language exchange programs that enable participants to engage in both Arabic and Chinese languages. These programs will enhance mutual understanding and facilitate better communication across cultural lines.















    1. Strategies for Collaboration:


    -Annual Symposiums and Conferences

    Host yearly conferences and semi-annual symposiums to showcase research findings, promote dialogue, and discuss emerging trends in areas of shared interest. These events will serve as a forum for scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to connect, exchange ideas, and establish partnerships.


    -Bilateral Research Grants

    Implement a dedicated grant system to fund collaborative research projects involving scholars from both the Arab world and China. This funding will prioritize research in areas with high potential impact, such as international trade, cultural preservation, environmental studies, and technology.

    -Hybrid Exchange Programs

    Launch a combination of in-person and virtual exchange programs to accommodate scholars, students, and cultural ambassadors. This hybrid approach will broaden accessibility, allowing a greater number of participants to benefit from the exchange experience.

    -Joint Publications and Media Outreach

    Partner with academic journals, publishers, and media organizations to amplify our research findings and cultural insights. By reaching diverse audiences, we aim to enhance awareness and appreciation of both regions’ contributions to global knowledge and culture.

    -Workshops and Language Programs

    Develop workshops on critical topics and establish language exchange programs that enable participants to engage in both Arabic and Chinese languages. These programs will enhance mutual understanding and facilitate better communication across cultural lines.














    1. Center Membership:


    The founding members of the International Research Center under PUISAD bring expertise and commitment to advancing our mission. They are as follows:

    1 – Director: [ BEN-NAOUAR Youssef / University Teacher – Morocco]

        Oversees center operations, strategic planning, and institutional partnerships.


    2 – Deputy Director: [John Qiang Wang / University Professor – China]

    Assists the Director in managing initiatives, with a focus on academic and cultural program development.

    3 – Cultural Programs Manager: [Jasni Bin Sulong / Dean & Professor – Malaysia]

    Designs and implements cultural exchange initiatives, including events, workshops, and language programs.

    4 – Senior Advisor: [YANG Chengcheng / Position, China]

    Provide counsel, Guidance and advice to various aspects of its work. Also, Assist in planning and executing the center’s management.

    5 – Senior Advisor: [Prof. Dr. Nor Azazi Zakaria – Malaysia]

    Provide counsel, Guidance and advice to various aspects of its work. Also, Assist in planning and executing the center’s management.

    6.- Research Coordinator: [Fouad Larhzizer / University Professor – Morocco]

    Manages research projects, tracks progress, and ensures quality and relevance in alignment with the center’s goals.

     7 – Academic Liaison (Arab World): [Mohamed Graa / University Teacher – Morocco]

    Coordinates with Chinese academic institutions, facilitating partnerships and research projects.

     8 – Academic Liaison (China): [Jiaqi Wu / Doctoral Researcher – EMEA & China]

    Builds and maintains relationships with academic institutions in the Arab world,China and beyond, promoting collaborative research.

     9 – Student Exchange Coordinator: [Majda Mdaa / Teacher – Morocco]

    Organizes student and faculty mobility programs, developing scholarship and exchange opportunities.






    1 – 主任:[本·努瓦尔·尤瑟夫(BEN-NAOUAR Youssef)/ 大学教师 – 摩洛哥]



    2 – 副主任:[王强(John Qiang Wang)/ 大学教授 – 中国]



    3 – 文化项目经理:[贾斯尼·宾·苏隆(Jasni Bin Sulong)/ 院长 & 教授 – 马来西亚]



    4 – 高级顾问:[杨程成(YANG Chengcheng)/ 职位 – 中国]



    5 – 高级顾问:[诺·阿扎齐·扎卡里亚教授(Prof. Dr. Nor Azazi Zakaria)/ 马来西亚]



    6 – 研究协调员:[富阿德·拉尔齐泽(Fouad Larhzizer)/ 大学教授 – 摩洛哥]



    7 – 学术联络(阿拉伯世界):[穆罕默德·格拉(Mohamed Graa)/ 大学教师 – 摩洛哥]



    8 – 学术联络(中国):[吴家琦(Jiaqi Wu)/ 博士研究员 – EMEA & 中国]



    9 – 学生交流协调员:[马吉达·姆达(Majda Mdaa)/ 教师 – 摩洛哥]



    1. China-Arab Intercultural Research Center Integral Law


    1 – Overview:

    机构名称(建议):China-Arab Intercultural Research Center (中阿跨文化研究中心)




    The China-Arab Intercultural Research Center is dedicated to promoting cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Arab countries. Our work encompasses three major areas: culture, education, Languages and tourism. In the field of culture, we organize conferences, seminars, and promote intercultural communication, as well as conduct diverse cultural exchange activities. In the field of education, we specialize in providing Chinese language teaching to non-native Chinese speakers and Arabic language teaching to non-native Arabic speakers, fostering the dissemination and understanding of language and culture. In the field of tourism, we organize international trips to enable participants to experience the charm of Chinese and Arab cultures firsthand, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship.




    Vision: To deeply explore various fields of Sino-Arab cultural exchange, including history, language, art, and religion, promoting the transmission and innovation of both cultures, and enhancing mutual understanding and respect among people.




    2 – C.A.I.R.C Integral Law:

    第一章 总则

    第一条 为规范本中心运作,明确职责与权限,特制定本法规。

    第二条 本中心名称为“中阿跨文化研究中心”,致力于中阿文化交流研究、教育与旅游合作。

    第二章 工作领域

    第三条 本中心工作领域包括但不限于:

    1. 文化领域:组织会议、研讨会,促进跨文化交流,开展文化交流活动。
    2. 教育领域:提供中文、阿拉伯语教学服务,促进语言文化传播。
    3. 旅游领域:组织国际旅行,增进中阿人民相互了解。

    第三章 组织机构与职责


    第四章 经费与管理


    第五章 附则




                APPROVED BY THE PIUSAD:

Common Questions about the Center (C.A.I.R.C)

The China-Arab Intercultural Research Center is dedicated to promoting cultural exchange and cooperation between China and Arab countries. Our work encompasses three major areas: culture, education, Languages and tourism. In the field of culture, we organize conferences, seminars, and promote intercultural communication, as well as conduct diverse cultural exchange activities. In the field of education, we specialize in providing Chinese language teaching to non-native Chinese speakers and Arabic language teaching to non-native Arabic speakers, fostering the dissemination and understanding of language and culture. In the field of tourism, we organize international trips to enable participants to experience the charm of Chinese and Arab cultures firsthand, enhancing mutual understanding and friendship.

Our vision is to bridge academic and cultural understanding between the Arab world and China by creating a dynamic, collaborative environment where knowledge, culture, and innovation thrive. We aim to build a community where academic exchange and cross-cultural dialogue lead to lasting partnerships, mutual understanding, and solutions to shared challenges.

有關中心 (C.A.I.R.C) 的常見問題


أهم الأسئلة الشائعة وإجاباتها حول كلية التربية

الاقسام التالية تتبع كلية التربية وهي
اولا قسم اللغة العربية
ثانيا قسم العربية للناطقين بغيرها
ثالثا قسم علم النفس والاجتماع .
رابعا قسم التربية الخاصة
خامسا قسم أصول التربية
سادسا قسم الدراسات الاسلامية
سابعا قسم الفلسفة
ثامنا قسم الاداره والتخطيط
تاسعا قسم الرياضيات
عاشرا قسم العلوم
احدى عشر قسم اللغة الانجليزية
ثاني عشر قسم اللغة التركية

تعتمد الجامعة نظام الساعات المعتمدة المكثفة حسب مناسبة أوقات الطالب واجتهاده بإنهاء متطلبات الدراسة لجميع المراحل أو حسب انتهائه من كتابة البحث بالنسبة للدراسات العليا في حالة كان اختياره لذلك ويتم تحديد لجنة المناقشة عند تنصيب المشرف للبحث بإنهاء الطالب من متطلبات وقبول البحث وجاهزيته للمناقشة ودفع الطالب كافة رسوم الدراسة المقررة المطلوبة منه

بامكانك التواصل مع ادارة الجامعة وتزويد الطالب بكافة الرسوم المناسبة لمستوى معيشة الطالب وقدراته المادية

طبعا الدراسة ( عن بعد عن طريق النت)
بالنسبة لمرحلة الدبلوم والبكالوريوس يختار الطالب اما الساعات المعتمدة وهو غالبا والشائع او نظام الفصول الدراسية… أما بالنسبة للدراسات العليا تتبع نظام الساعات المعتمده أو كتابة البحث او كلاهما معا حسب اختيار الطالب

  1. غالبا في بداية الدراسة نصف الرسوم المقررة كما أن الجامعة تنظر و تراعي ظروف الطالب المادية وتعمل على تقسيط باقي الرسوم على دفعات
  1. أصبح التعليم عن بعد على منصة الجامعة الإلكترونية لبرنامج زووم zoom

  1. تنظر ادارة الجامعة الأسباب والظروف ثم تحكم على ضوء ذلك وغالبا ادارة الجامعة تراعي ظروف الطلبة بتلك الاوقات

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