Passion International Open University for Sciences, Arts and Development
A comprehensive census of the number of current programs, and current students at the university
First: Central Faculty of Islamic Studies – Department of Qur’anic Readings
- Program name: Teaching the Quran – Number of students: 11
2- Nour on the road Academy for teaching Qur’anic Qera’at under the supervision of the university:
The name of the program and the number of students
1, Learn the rules of Tajweed 88
2, Nour al-Bayan for women 88
3, Memorizing Juz Amma 104
4, Teaching the grand 10 Qera’at 80
5, Teaching the small 10 Qera’at 158
6, Know your Mushaf 251
7, Alnouranya way 117
8, Memorizing Children140
9, Memorizing Surat Al-Baqarah 43
10, Ashab Assela Course 46
11, Qaloon narration 33
3- Al-Hadith Al-Sharif: Professional Postgraduate Studies
4- The Islamic Faith: Professional Postgraduate Studies
5- Quranic Readings: Professional Postgraduate Studies
6- Diploma of Alarda Alakhira in the 10 illuminating Qera’at
The total number of students – currently – in the Central Islamic Studies Faculty is 1168
Second: Education Faculty
1- Program name and number of students
Arabic for Non-Native Speakers: Professional Postgraduate Studies
2- Arabic language course for non-native speakers
3- Sociology: Professional Bachelor’s degree
4.course of anxiety and psychological security
5- Educational Psychology: Professional Postgraduate Studies
The total number of students – currently – in the Faculty of Education is 12
Third: Law Faculty
Program name and number of students
Public Law: Professional Postgraduate Studies
Total number of students – currently – in the Faculty of Law 1
The rest of the Faculties : Development – Computers – Media – Business Administration
Previous programs and activities have been completed, a few students have been benefited and completed their programs and courses.
Currently, there are no students in these four Faculties
The total number of students – currently – in all the faculties of the university is 1181
Prepared by the Rector