The International Association of Passionate People in the United States of America "IAPP"
📚 Those who are passionate about science, arts, or development, and that most of these passionate people are marginalized and do not find anyone who cares about them and shows the splendor of their skills to those interested in them; Which leads to a decline in their efforts, and sometimes this marginalization leads to frustration and disappointment. Their talents and energies are wasted, and they are tempted by deviant paths that distract them from providing benefit to themselves and their communities.
Hence, Passion International University launches the Global Association for Those Passionate about Science, Arts and Development, whose activities will be based on the following points:
1. Organizing activities and events (such as seminars, conferences, lectures…) that highlight the skills and creativity of those passionate about science, arts, or development.
2. Providing facilities for those who are passionate about printing and publishing their creative production through Passion International Publishing.
3. Providing facilities for those interested in publishing their specialized research in peer-reviewed scientific journals at reduced fees.
4. Providing facilities for those who are eager to complete their university studies in various international universities, whether through the direct education system (face-to-face), or distance learning (via the Internet), with reduced fees or partial or full scholarships.
5. Helping passionate, creative people find a good job with a salary commensurate with their capabilities and skills.
6. Providing support to those who are passionate about completing their projects with high professionalism, quality and mastery, whether in their country or abroad.
7. Discussing the issues, concerns and challenges of passionate people in various countries and from various cultures, and finding practical solutions to achieve their dreams.
Types of memberships and features of each membership:
A. Diamond category:
1. Attend all activities and events of the association for a year and receive a 50% discount.
2. Qualification for faculty membership in one of the colleges of Passion International University in America.
3. Publishing specialized research in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a 15% discount.
4. Printing and publishing a book for the membership holder with a 25% discount.
5. Providing facilities for the membership holder to travel to some countries for scientific or tourism purposes.
6. Obtaining an electronic and printed membership card (sent by international mail).
7. Providing three specialized consultations to the member (a total of 3 hours per year) by three international experts free of charge.
8. The member has the opportunity to present 12 courses or lectures (per year, with one activity per month) on the university’s paid platform for free or for a fee, and marketing from the university, while receiving 50% of the revenue from the paid activity.
*Annual membership fees: $500 annually. Fees can be dropped in the following year if membership proves effective, tangible, and influential.
B.Gold category:
1. Attend all activities and events of the association for a year and receive a 30% discount.
2. Qualification for faculty membership in one of the colleges of Passion International Open University in America.
3. Publishing specialized research in a peer-reviewed scientific journal with a 5% discount.
4. Print and publish a book for the membership holder with a 10% discount.
5. Obtaining an electronic and printed membership card (sent by international mail).
6. Providing 3 specialized consultations to the member (a total of one and a half hours per year) by three international experts free of charge.
7. The member is allowed to present 6 courses or lectures (per year, with an activity every two months) on the university’s paid platform for free or for a fee, and marketing from the university, while receiving 40% of the revenue from the paid activity.
*Annual membership fees: $300 annually. Fees can be dropped in the following year if membership proves effective, tangible, and influential.
C. Silver category:
1. Attending all activities and events of the association for a year and receiving a 10% discount.
2. Obtain an electronic and printed membership card (sent by international mail).
3. Providing three specialized consultations to the member (a total of 45 minutes per year) by three international experts free of charge.
4. The member is allowed to present 6 courses or lectures (per year, with one activity every two months) on the university’s paid platform for free or for a fee, and marketing from the university, while receiving 25% of the revenue from the paid activity.
*Annual membership fees: $150 annually. Fees can be dropped in the following year if membership proves effective, tangible, and influential.
Membership subscription requirements
2. A copy of the passport or national card
3. A recent personal photo
4. Complete residential address + phone and WhatsApp number + Facebook account name + email
5. Receipt for payment of annual membership fees according to membership category
A. Diamond: $500
B.Gold: $300
C. Silver: $150
Please read the features of each membership and choose the category that suits you.
Send the files to the university’s central administration’s WhatsApp:
And also via the following two emails:
The files will be examined and the electronic card will be sent via email or WhatsApp within 48 hours, and the original will be sent by international mail within a period ranging from two weeks to a month of paying the fees.
📢🎉🌍 International Passionate Association in the United States.. Question and answer
🥇🎓🎊 We help you achieve your dreams.
Subscribe now. WhatsApp :
🟡For more about the advantages of the association, please read the post attached to the following video:
Watch the following video, which contains examples of ways to benefit from membership:
Hello and welcome 💐🙏🏻
🔮The International Association of Passionate People is an umbrella for creative and inspiring people around the world.

- Diamond Membership
- Gold Membership
- Silver Membership
📢✅ Important notice: Before participating in the association, you must be passionate about a particular science or art, and you must be creative, influential, and have a strong imprint in your specialty; In order to be able to benefit from the benefits of membership, it is not necessary to have a specific academic qualification. What is important is creativity, excellence, and a tangible impact in your community.