How does the student start studying at Passion International University?
The official bank accounts of the university and some of its authorized agents
The statement of all these accounts is intended to facilitate and ease the contributor so that he can choose the most appropriate method for him to pay, whether electronically by bank card VISACARD or MASTERCARD or PAYPAL or Western Union or MoneyGram or through bank accounts or sent inside his country to one of the accredited agents of the university without payment commission; Because transferring outside the country is expensive, and the fee transfer commission is borne by the student in all cases. Please understand this, then send us the receipt of payment of the fees, and the rest of the required files via WhatsApp
You can send the prescribed fees directly to the account that suits you from the following accounts, and if the bank or banking institution asks you about the purpose of sending, answer: Tuition fees
1- United States of America – can be sent from inside or outside America (high tax)
The official bank account of the university in the state of Colorado – the United States, with an alert to pay 30% (taxes) in excess of each amount sent to this account, for example: if the amount is $1,000, you pay $1,300, and so on.
The bank account of the university in the state of Colorado – the United States. Passion International University – Denver – Colorado – USA – Chase Bank
Swift code: CHASUS33XXX
Account number: 692498659
Routing number: 102001017
This routing number can only be used for direct deposits and ACH transactions. For wire transfers, please use routing number 021000021
2- Electronic payment (by bank card) directly to the official university account in the United States, (within or outside America) with an increase of 30% over the amount sent for taxes and transfer costs. For example, if the amount to be transferred is $100, you write $130. If it is $1,000, write $1,300, and so on.
Just fill out the form and pay while you are at home through this link:
Register Now
Payment method: Fill in the form data, through the previous link, then choose the registration button next to $50, click on it, then fill in your bank card data easily, click and complete the payment process.
Then fill out the form again and choose the name of the stage that suits you Bachelor, Master, PhD …
Click on it, then fill in your bank card information easily, click and complete the payment process.
After the payment process is successful, the university will email you with a receipt for the amount, please send this receipt to the university administration via WhatsApp +16025366022
At that time, the administration will inform you of the most important papers and documents necessary to complete the registration procedures, so that you can start studying in the program you registered as soon as possible.
Note: You can apply the same process if you participate in any university conference, training course, or for publication in a refereed scientific journal…
Just choose the amount that you must pay to the university (it is not necessary to check the name of the program), then add the equivalent of 30% of the amount and then pay easily.
3- Electronic payment (PAYPAL) – can be sent from most countries to the university account in Africa and the Middle East: If you have an electronic financial account via PayPal for money transfer, you can send the amount through it with an addition of 10% on the amount for transfer costs The amount from Paypal to the bank to receive. Just follow the link below:
Write the final amount after adding the equivalent of 10% of the sent amount,
(PAYPAL commission for transferring from your account to the university account in the Middle East + PAYPAL commission for transferring to the university bank for withdrawal and receipt) I mean, for example, if the amount to be transferred is $100, you write $110, and if it is $1,000, you write $1100 and so on. Then click on Submit button.
Additional information to verify the authenticity of the account you are transferred to:
The email for the account is: ELSHARK1427@GMAIL.COM
For more information on payment methods, please contact us.
The introductory diploma stage
Pre-bachelor for those who have not obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent
Prior to postgraduate studies for those who have a bachelor's degree in a different specialization
$50 registration fee (compulsory) A $700 US State Department certification fee is added (Optional)
Bachelor's degree
For those who have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent
$50 registration fee (compulsory) US State Department attestation fee of $700 (optional)
Master's degree
For holders of a bachelor's degree in the same field
Specialized Higher Diploma
For holders of a bachelor's degree in the same field
$50 registration fee (compulsory) US State Department attestation fee of $700 (optional)
PhD's degree
For master's degree holders in the same field
$50 registration fee (compulsory) US State Department attestation fee of $700 (optional)
Honorary Doctorate
For those who have presented real, inspiring and influential initiatives in their communities
$50 registration fee (compulsory) US State Department attestation fee of $700 (optional)