Passion International University – USA Faculty of Administrative Sciences
Introduction to the faculty
Business Administration are that related to management in theory, including management, planning, organization, supervision as well as coordination, and how the students and researchers can learn many theoretical and applied skills, which is one of the disciplines taught in universities, and administrative sciences differ from business administration as well as public administration, as they include both sides, the management of business relates to private business or the private sector, and public administration concerns the public or government sector in the state. We also provide advice and training to entrepreneurs in addition to working feasibility studies for projects to be worked to encourage the public to projects at various stages, where their production is 5% gdp return to the state.
Faculty Departments:-
– Economics Department
– E-Commerce
-Planning Department
–Accounting and Financial Management Departments
-Business Administration & Development Department
-Human Resources Department
–Occupational Safety, Health and Environmental Department
Faculty message
Advance the educational and research process in the field of business administration, and keep pace with the rapid developments in the regional and international business environment, by graduating male and female students who possess the necessary skills that enable them to compete in the business administration environment and face its changing challenges, and actively participate with community institutions to develop and develop projects, and active participation with International organizations
Faculty vision
Scientific and academic excellence through a distinguished program in business administration that develops students’ capabilities, meets the needs of the labor market and development requirements, prepares students for the challenges of work in the public and private sectors and develops knowledge horizons
values and goals
- Graduating qualified students who are able to work in the business and enterprise environment, as well as to work as teaching assistants and teachers in business administration departments.
- Developing the capabilities of male and female students in their interaction with business establishments through research projects and field training.
- Providing the community with graduates of a high level of scientific and professional competence in a manner that meets the needs of the local labor market.
- Providing support and advice to the public and private sectors.

Frequently Asked Questions About Faculty of Administrative Sciences
- To have a high school diploma or its equivalent documented and approved by the higher education authority in the student’s country
- The postgraduate student must have a bachelor’s degree accredited by the higher education authority in the student’s country
- To be of good conduct and medical condition. To successfully pass any test or personal interview deemed by the University Council
- He must fulfill any other conditions determined by the University Council and announced at the time
- Providing incorrect information during the application process will lead to cancellation of admission
- USD 1000 for undergraduate tuition fees for the undergraduate program
- In addition to an amount of 50 US dollars to complete the registration process
- Please keep a copy of the payment receipt that you receive via your e-mail and submit it with other documents
Fees . Fees
- The preparatory diploma stage: $600.
- Undergraduate $1,000.
Bachelor’s equivalency from LAN TABOER University and the Ministry of Higher Education in Indonesia, $1,500.
The equivalency of a license from KAAT University and the Ministries of Higher Education and Foreign Affairs in Niger is $1,000.
- The master’s degree is $1,500.
Master’s equivalency from KAAT University and the Ministries of Higher Education and Foreign Affairs in Niger, $1,500.
- Ph.D. $2000.
PhD equivalency from KAAT University and the Ministries of Higher Education and Foreign Affairs in Niger $2000.
- . Specialized Higher Diploma $1,000.
4 years, but there are intensive programs allocated for the benefit of the student so that he finishes in a shorter period of the intensive credit hours system.
Pay reduced fees determined by the university administration (Deanship of Admission and Registration)
Yes (the international standard is not less than 1.5 out of 4 points, where the student is given a grace period of five years since his registration and registration. Otherwise, the student will be permanently dismissed)
Department of Business Administration
Department of Economics
E-Commerce Department
Financial Management Department
Human Resources Department
Planning Department
Training and Development Department
- Accounting major
- Finance major
- Human resource management major
- Hospital management specialty
- Tourism management
- Occupational health and safety specialization
- Marketing major
- Specialization in management information systems
- Major General Administration
- Business economics major
- Public Administration
- International administration
- Planning
- the quality
- Engineering Management
- Electrical Engineering Department
Curriculums plans
Fifth: Department of Business Administration
Please download :
Seventh: Training and Development Department
SWOT Analysis of Investment in E-Learning in ENGLISH
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